10 Tips to Align Your Social Selling and Email Marketing Strategy



A well thought-out email marketing strategy can be an effective way to ignite and energize your social selling campaign. By combining email with social networking, you will be able to attract new followers, while simultaneously expanding your sales pipeline. Below, you will find 10 tips for perfecting both techniques to great effectiveness.


Make Your Social Accounts Readily Available

When sending out a new email, you should always use this opportunity to tell your potential clients about your social media accounts. One simple way is to add social icons to each of your emails. This will help to ensure clients are able to easily access your profiles and ultimately lead to more followers.


Put Together Enticing Offers

One of the best forms of lead generation is offering something free to your potential customers. You can also utilize this technique to greatly expand your social media followers and your email list.


Here’s a hot tip: Give your readers something free when they agree to sign up for your newsletter or follow your social media account.


Add Hashtags to Emails

Hashtags have proven to be an effective way of targeting specific groups of people. By adding hashtags to each of your marketing emails, your clients will be able to easily access products and services associated with these keywords or phrases.


You can also encourage email readers to tweet the selected hashtag and your social media account. This is one of the most effective and simple sales hacks that will help to expand your customer base – for next to nothing.


Target Known Email Contacts

In all likelihood, you already have a decent-sized email list. While lots of people may have signed up for your newsletter, some of these individuals may not be following your social media accounts. You can use this to your advantage. Use their email address to contact them directly through social media and encourage them to give you a follow or like.


Combine Content

Anytime you post a new article to your site, you should make sure it is delivered to readers through various channels. Send off a quick email to your customers, while simultaneously posting the update on your social media accounts. This will keep readers engaged while expanding your reach as far as possible.


Always Use Social Sharing Buttons

While it is important to give email readers quick access to your social accounts, you should never ignore the humble sharing button. Add sharing buttons or links to your emails to entice readers to distribute your content even farther.


Re-target Readers

By utilizing social media and email marketing in tandem, you can easily track your customer’s engagement. This will let you know which individual clicked on which link. Once you have discovered which person is interested in which type of content, you can re-target that individual again with similar content.


Re-attract Lost Clients

Followers will come and go. Nonetheless, you can utilize your email list and paid advertising services to keep these individuals locked in for a longer duration. Re-engage with lost clients to keep your pipeline active and consistently growing.


Optimize Your Content for Mobile Friendliness

While you’re at it, you will want to make sure all of your content is available to everyone. Your emails and website should be mobile friendly and mobile responsive. Remember – your goal is to entice people to visit your site and make an investment. Therefore, all of your content needs to look good on mobile devices and readily accessible to visitors.


Work Consistently and Test Frequently

Using social media and email marketing together with each other lets you figure out what does or doesn’t work. Remember to keep your A/B campaigns active and consistently work to optimize and find out what works best for you. With time and patience, your efforts will ultimately pay off and your campaigns will prove to be fruitful and valuable.


Koka Sexton

The leader in social selling methodology and ranked #1 in Forbes for social selling. Bringing the science of social selling to the business world and delivering ROI on social media.