Not Taught: What It Takes to be Successful in the 21st Century that Nobody’s Teaching You

Not Taught
[asvc_call_to_action style=”2″ button_show=”kc-is-button” button_text=”Read more” button_link=”|||” title_f_size=”18″ desc_f_size=”14″ line_height=”1″]The 21st Century has ushered in the information age, and with it a new set of rules for success. Not Taught shares how the rules of 20th century and the industrial age no longer work and that if you want to be successful you must learn the new rules of success. Not Taught punches you in the face with the realities of work today and offers clear strategies on how to be successful in this crazy information-driven world. Not Taught is your personal guide to the changing success landscape created by the information age, social media, access to information, the high cost of college, the internet and more. The book breaks down how the rules of the past no longer suffice and what it takes for you to win in the 21st century.[/asvc_call_to_action]

Raise your hand if your company needs more new customers.

I suspect your hand is (figuratively) up. This book is about not just growth, but high-growth, explosive-growth, the kind of growth that weather satellites can see from space.

The success of any business-to-business company is directly linked to how effectively they acquire new pipeline. To skyrocket growth, sales development is the answer.

The 21st Century has ushered in the information age, and with it a new set of rules for success. Not Taught shares how the rules of 20th century and the industrial age no longer work and that if you want to be successful you must learn the new rules of success. Not Taught punches you in the face with the realities of work today and offers clear strategies on how to be successful in this crazy information-driven world. Not Taught is your personal guide to the changing success landscape created by the information age, social media, access to information, the high cost of college, the internet and more. The book breaks down how the rules of the past no longer suffice and what it takes for you to win in the 21st century.

On a sales and marketing level, Not Taught is an achievement.

Keenan has written a compelling argument that disembowels today’s success criteria and why the 21st century has changed the game.